

This Saturday I find out if I have been picked to receive a full theater college scholarship. Full as in pays for everything... classes, dorm, food, everything! How much of a blessing would that be?

I'm not extremely confident that I got it... just because on the day of the audition I had trouble because I was just getting over being sick and feverish. I had trouble remembering my monologue (which by the way I loved, it was an excerpt from Funny
Girl which you can read here) but I explained why, and they completly understood and let me just read the monologue instead of saying by memory. Although I had a lot of things going for me: they absolutely loved the fact that I play the piano, and that I had done puppets for so long, and also new how to make them.

I am wanting to be in theatre because i'm leaning towards Evangelical Dramas. I would love to either be in a group that does that, or create one. I really feel a calling to focus on youth, and I feel that they respond more to dramas, because they reflect their own lives.

But I'm confident that God's in control and that if this is in his plan, I will get the scholarship ( which will truly be a Miracle be cause of the sad shape I was in. :P ).


  1. ...How exciting, Samantha! I will be praying about that scholarship with you!! That sounds like such an awesome opportunity. :)

    I love your new blog! Thank you so much for following mine. :) I'm looking forward to reading all of your posts! I've heard about the book "Set-Apart Femininity" before but I haven't read it yet. I'd like to, though! It sounds really good.

    I hope you're having a nice week. :)


  2. Thanks! (:
    Yes its a really good book, along with all of the other books by Eric and Leslie Ludy. I have quite a few of their books :P you should definitely check those out. (:

  3. Hi Samantha,
    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog (and following too!). In answer to your question... I actually haven't seen the A&E version of "Pride and Prejudice" before. I've heard it's really long, but I would really like to watch it and see which version I like better! I love the Keira Knightley one, and the book is really good too. It's my favorite Jane Austen story! I'm going to have to watch the A&E movie now! :D Thanks again for commenting! :)

    ~ Love,
