
Planting Chums

So I've decided to participate in a giveaway for the first time, and Planting Chums over at Aspire seemed a wonderful one to start with. (:

To enter all ya have to do is create a post with four random things about you.
so here we go.

1.) I do not like pizza.
yes i have been told many a time just how insane that is.

2.) Once when I was younger, while making a batch of cookies,I leaned over a little too far while using the mixer and well.... I had to part my hair extra over to the side and pin it down quite some time afterwards. ( the funny thing was I didn't even realize it had happened until I noticed the ruined cookies. I ran into my mother's room and exclaimed, "I think I pulled my hair out!" She mentioned that she could tell because of the bald spot on my head. Yet it did not hurt until I looked at it, then and only then did it become painful. Why is that?)

3.) I cannot stand windows at night. I get so creeped out!
(The most probable reason for this fear, it the fact that one Disciple Now weekend the house we were staying at had huge un-curtained windows. Which at one point in the night I awoke to the jr. high boys standing outside the window, TPing the house. Quite a shocking moment I assure you.)

3.) I used to be on a jump-rope team.Yup. For about a year (i think?) I was a part of the wonderful local jump rope team, where I learned quite a many complicated jump-rope trick. My specialty? Speed, and double dutch speed.
yup this was me:

hmm. well maybe not quite that fast. ;P
I was in elementary after all.

and that concludes my random facts.
(I had no Idea how hard it is to come up with "random" facts. haha)



  1. You *don't* like pizza! Gasp! :)
    And I seriously could not believe how fast those girls jumped in that clip.

  2. I have never met anyone before that did not like pizza. I think my kids would be lost without. It was fun to read your answers! Blessings!

  3. You do NOT like pizza??? That's insane. :) j/k

    My dad didn't like pizza as a kid. Until he tried it...he thought it looked gross!

    Fun facts.


  4. I enjoyed your fun facts! I think that is awesome that you used to be on a jumprope team!

    I know this is probably old by now, but seriously? Pizza? I'm pretty sure the Bible commands us to love pizza. ;-) (Just kidding!) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hey Samantha,
    I loved reading your four random facts! I had to laugh when I read #2. :D That one is too funny!! I'm sure it didn't feel that way at the time, though. ;)

    Well, I also wanted to let you know that I've awarded you twice over at my blog. (That is, if you want to do them!) =) Just check out my latest post for the details. ;)

    I hope you have a nice day!

    <3 Taylor
